Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine which assists the body to heal itself.
The word ‘Homeopathy’ is made up of two words – ‘homeo’ or similar and ‘pathos’ or suffering. This refers to one of its founding principles of ‘like cures like’. In simple words, a substance used in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes, if used in large amounts.
Another central concept in homeopathy is that of the ‘vital force’. When in balance, this life energy maintains health, but on being disrupted can lead to illness. Homeopathic remedies stimulate this vital force of a body, prompting its inherent ability to heal itself.
With its natural remedies, homeopathy focusses on the unique needs of each person to provide individualized treatment plans and personalized healthcare to people.
To know more, consult a registered homeopath.
If you are looking to try homeopathy, what will you discover? You’ll find:
- It’s a medicine that comes from nature and works with nature.
- It is extremely safe, gentle and powerful in working.
- It is non-habit formingand has no side-effects.
- It can be used by anyone– people across ages, from a child to elderly as well as expecting & new mothers.
- You can use it alongside conventional medicine.
And you will be amazed to find that it is focussed entirely on you:
- What made you sick?
- What makes you worse?
- Of course, what makes you better?
That said, you are treated as a whole individual, not as a set of symptoms or a collection of disease labels. Therefore, homeopathy is considered as a holistic approach to health, healing and wellbeing.
Millions of individuals worldwide enjoy the benefits of homeopathy, every year.
Why not see if you’re one of them? To know more, meet a homeopath.
Well, you may be used to visiting a doctor – who is just interested in whatever part of the body is giving you a trouble.
Homeopaths work a bit differently because they see that everything is connected and they treat the whole person, you.
So, they’ll always ask a bunch of questions that give them the whole picture of you.
And to make sure every bit of you is doing what it should be, they give you a lot more time to tell them about you – from 30 mins to an hour or even more.
It’s quickest way to get you back to your healthy self again.
Yes, they are safe for use! Unlike most conventional drugs, homeopathic remedies are side-effects free and non-habit forming.
These remedies are safe for use by people of all ages including babies, children, elderly, pregnant or breastfeeding women, under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.
Homeopathic remedies are made from tiny amount of the active ingredient. Over 200 years of practice, research and trials have proved the very safety of this gentle yet powerful medicine system.
It is one of the founding principles of homeopathy and means that you can treat ‘like with like’ i.e. a substance that is capable of causing certain symptoms when consumed in large amounts, can be used in a small dose to treat those same symptoms.
Example: If one drinks large amount of coffee, it causes sleeplessness and anxiety. Basing on the ‘like cures like’ principle it means, when made into a homeopathic remedy, it can be used to treat individuals with these symptoms.
The key difference in homeopathic remedy is that the substances are used in minimum dose which render them non-toxic and produce no ill-effects.
Homeopathic remedies are quick in action. In case of acute illnesses like acute inflammations these remedies act quickly. In case of chronic illnesses too homeopathic remedies start working immediately, however complete cure may take considerable time.
Nonetheless, in comparison to prescription drugs in conventional treatment that are prompt in action but work by suppressing disease symptoms, homeopathic remedies promptly act to assist the body’s inherent healing resources.
To be precise, homeopathic remedies are both deep-acting and long-lasting, and can treat a wide range of illnesses. Sadly, people tend to reluctantly consult a homeopath only when their acute condition turns chronic and becomes difficult to treat.
Homeopathy doesn’t interfere with the working of other treatments and instead complements well conventional and other treatment options. It is possible to take them together.
There are several patients who consume conventional medicines for hypertension or diabetes, while also taking homeopathic remedies for other common ailments. Even in post-operative care, homeopathy supports good recovery.
It does not replace all other forms of healthcare, but can be successfully used as the first line of treatment for a wide range of conditions.
Consulting a conventional doctor and an experienced registered homeopath allows you to experience the benefits of both worlds – uniquely tailored, effective treatments best suited to you.
Today, millions of people globally use and rely on homeopathy for. The documented results from several experienced homeopathic practitioners and millions of their patients clearly show these gentle remedies produce profound health benefits.
There is clear evidence that homeopathic remedies are active, more than a placebo effect and can be curative:
- Effective use in babies: Parents are successfully using homeopathic remedies for their babies to cure common disorders such as colic, infections and teething issues etc.
- Successful use in animals:Many pet owners and veterinarians are also using homeopathic remedies to treat their pets like cats, dogs, birds as well as livestock animals like cows, horses and goats.
Whether conventional or homeopathic, trust is vital in any patient-doctor relationship and any treatment. Having said that some degree of ‘placebo effect’ is likely to be there with any medical treatment and homeopathy is no different.
Aside, increasingly conventional medical doctors are referring patients to homeopathic physicians, working alongside homeopaths, or using homeopathic remedies themselves.
Why wait then? Try homeopathy now!
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